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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 8
First page : ( 1762) Last page : ( 1780)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00708.5

A Comparative Study on Buying Roles Played by Individuals in Family on Purchase of Durable Products in Urban and Rural Tamil Nadu

Dr. Rajan K Arul

Associate Professor, PSG Institute of Management, India

Online published on 2 August, 2016.


The Indian Consumer market throws open a labyrinth of knowledge and exhibits a lot to the Indian Consumer market which is burgeoning and exploding at the seams.. For many marketers it is both an enigma and a paradox. The top marketing companies have shifted their focus nowadays to capture the growth in rural markets, and the burgeoning of the rural income has become a pivotal platform for many marketers to pitch up and sharpen their marketing strategies in the rural front. The Indian market with its vast size and heterogeneous demographics offers lot of opportunities to marketers to boost their revenues and also counter the saturation they are facing in the urban areas of the country(Harish Manwari,2009). Most products eventually end up in private households even though they will pass through a number of steps on their way from producer to end user. Producers and traders form vertical chains or networks, called value chains, at the end of which are the consumer. Understanding urban and rural consumer behavior is not only important for the producer but also for all the other members in the chain. The family in urban and rural India plays an important part in the purchase decision making, the real target of the marketer is not the individual but the family as whole, this research provides a useful insight about the different roles played by different members (Sheetal Kapoor,2002). Urban and Rural Socio economic classification was used to select the households B and C in urban and in rural R1, R2, R3 as these segments would have purchased at least two of the four goods taken for the study or have an intention to purchase the other two durable goods in the future. Families are usually composed of large sized and are characterized by strong family bonds between members and thus given importance to any kind of high valued products. There seems to be a strong influence of family members and the social norms in the purchase of durable goods.



Buying behavoir, rural and urban markets, durable products, buying roles, families role in purchase.


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