Opinion of Customers towards the Promotion Schemes Offered for Credit Cards with special reference to ICICI Bank, Namakkal, Tamilnadu Dr. Stephen A.*, Dr. Kumar A. Ashok** *Director, Knowledge Business School, Salem, India **Professor, Knowledge Business School, Salem, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract The main objective of this study is to know customers’ opinion towards the various promotion schemes offered by ICICI Bank at Namakkal town in Tamilnadu. Since most of us started using credit cards and its benefits, banks are also very eager in providing offers and to attract more number of customers. This study has been conducted on 320 respondents. Convenience sampling technique which comes under non-probability sampling method was used for the purpose of survey. Top Keywords Credit card, Installment purchase plans, satisfaction, Reward Schemes, customer perception. Top |