An Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Role Stress and Burnout among Secondary School Teachers in Coimbatore Priyadarshini M.*,**, Dr. Prabakar S.*** *Research Scholar, Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India **Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Karpagam Institute of Technology, Anna University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India ***Professor & Head, Happy Valley Business School, Tamil Nadu, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract A sound educational system is considered as one of the bedrocks of developing countries like India. Job satisfaction is an important factor for success of every organization or institution. When the degree of job satisfaction is high it leads to a positive organizational commitment. In vise versa the job dissatisfaction ends on stress, burnout etc. The present research aims to examine the job satisfaction relation towards stress and burnout in Coimbatore, Tamil nadu. Sample has been collected using stratified random sampling method from twenty private and public secondary schools. Three standardized instruments were used to measure Job Satisfaction, Organizational Role Stress and Burnout. A sample of 694 data is analyzed using the tools like percentage analysis, Multiple Regression and Correlation. The research concluded that there was a high mean on the variables like people on present job, job in general, and work on present status. Teachers are facing a high level of organizational role stress in terms of role overload, role inadequacy and role stagnation. The multiple regression on Job satisfaction and stress, stress and burnout shows that there is significance between variables. Further analysis indicates that there is a negative relationship on job satisfaction and organizational role stress, job satisfaction and burnout. There was a positive relationship between organizational role stress and burnout. Top Keywords Job, Teacher, Stress, Satisfaction, Burnout and workload. Top |