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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 8
First page : ( 1537) Last page : ( 1554)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00692.4

Quality Awareness through Training of the Working Community in Healthcare Organization of India

M. Shilpalatha N.*, Dr. Narashiman K.**

*Research Scholar, Anna University, Chennai, India

**Professor and Director, AU-TVS, Center for Quality Management, Anna University, Chennai, India

Online published on 2 August, 2016.



The concept of accreditation model was developed in 20th century to provide external evaluation in the healthcare organizations but even though its 21st century still the implementation of the same is not accomplished. On knowing that quality in medical care is very important why is it not being able to bring it in the system. The reason is because of the lack of awareness on its importance and application especially among the working community (doctors, nurses and medical staffs) of the healthcare organization. This paper investigated the working community on the quality in healthcare organization and through training demonstrated the effective means to bring about patient satisfaction by the application of quality management tools and techniques.


The investigations included both by personnel interviews with the senior doctors, management directors and supervisor nurses followed with the structuredquestionnaire survey, was conducted in five different specialty centres and the participants were nurses, doctors and administration staff only. A case study on reducing the waiting time of the patients in the paediatric out-patient department using the quality management tools and techniques was conducted successfully.


There was positive response from the specialty centres and we obtained totally 146 responses where the mean responses from the working community on questionnaire was 4.23 (Likert's 5.0 scale). For the participation for the survey and training the participants were very positive in attitude. Subsequently from the responses obtained, about 74% of the working community agree that for the quality assurance in a healthcare organization the main element is the role of the management. About 84% agree that quality in medical care depends on structure, process and outcomes. Through statistical evaluations we got the results that the training positively affects the patient safety and in the outcomes while policy & procedures are isolated factors. In our case study we were able to reduce the waiting time 39%, using the quality management techniques and tools.


By providing planned training to the working community, awareness on the quality of medical care can be created. And this will be the foremost for installing the accreditation models in healthcare organizations. By training on the concept and application of the quality management tools and techniques the working community will be able to convert the healthcare into the best sector.



Awareness of quality, working community, healthcare organization, waiting time in OPD, quality management system.


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