Impact of Employee Commitment on Intentions to Participate in Change of Banking Sector in Salem District Dr. Anjani P. K. Associate Professor, Sona School of Management, Sona College of Technology, Salem, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract Change is inevitable and ever-present in today's fast-paced organizations. In order to accommodate with these changes every business needs committed workforces to transmit out their day to day business transactions and to accommodate with the changes emerging from the environment. Moreover employees should also have the intentions to take part in the changes carried out in their organizations. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of Employee Commitment on Intentions to Participate in Change among the employees of the Commercial Banks. Data were collected from 350 employees serving in the private and public sector banks through surveys. Simple Regression was performed to calculate the impact analysis. The findings of the study clearly display that there is a better understanding of the impact of Employee Commitment on Intentions to Participate in Change and it also reveals that the prerequisite of the Intentions to Participate in Change is Employee Commitment among the bank employees. It is suggested that the banking sector must take measures to conduct lots of training programs to improve the intentions to participate in change among the employees of the private and public sector banks and enjoy the benefits emerging out of those changes. Top Keywords Change, Intentions to Participate in Change, Employee Commitment, Private and Public Sector Banks. Top | |
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