An Empirical Study on the Awareness of TQM Practices in Indian Technical Education Institutions Nithya N. KPR School of Business, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract The current paper carries the purpose to assess the awareness of TQM program in the Indian Education Institutions. The data were collected using a self administered questionnaire distributed to the top 100 engineering institutions in India. A total of 63 useable survey questionnaires were considered for the final analysis. The framework of analysis includes graphical representation, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis and Analysis of Variance. The results recommended that the education institutions are very much aware of the TQM principles. The research further provide chance to understand the awareness level of the respondents in the education sector which would definitely guarantee an effective implementation of TQM practices and hence the overall performance of the organization. Top Keywords Technical Education, Awareness, Total Quality Management, Assessment, India. Top | |
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