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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 8
First page : ( 1158) Last page : ( 1167)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00674.2

A Novel Auscultation Recording System to Support QoS in E-Health services

Jayachitra V. P.*, Geetha G.**, Nitin K*, Nikhil K***, Kumar S Raj***

*Department of Computer Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India

**Department of Electronics and Instrumentation, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India

***Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India

Online published on 2 August, 2016.


This paper proposes a cost-effective design for remote diagnosis yet imposes Quality Of Service requirements to meet stringent services in medical facilities of under-developed or developing countries. This paper proposes a novel method to record and auscultate heart sounds using a piezoelectric disk and an 3.5 mm audio jack plugged into Raspberry Pi module with Bluetooth/WIFI support. Signal conditioning is performed using a pre-amplifier and filter circuit at the input and is then transmitted through Bluetooth/WIFI to a close range Computer or Smart Phone. Power amplification is then performed at this output stage and sent to an appropriate hearing device such as speaker or an earphone. Alernatively, Open source tools such as Audacity can be used to record the heartbeat sounds to a Computer using the audio jack. After an average of 10 trials with the recording system, the peak frequency was found at 32.3 Hz. This figure is a measure of accuracy as heart sounds lies below 80 Hz. The total harmonic distortion is 48.0339%, Signal to Noise Ratio is -2.9 dB and Inter modulation distortion is 100.09% (minimum 100%) thereby indicating that very low noise nature of the recorded signal.



Piezoelectric sensor, Auscultation Recording, Remote Diagnosis, Cost-Effective, Stethoscope.


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