A Hybrid Secure Routing and Monitoring Mechanism using Authorized and Concealed Arbitrary Watchdogs in Wireless Sensor Networks Rajasoundaran S*, Narayanasamy P*, Janakiraman** *Anna University, Chennai, India **Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract Selection of watchdog nodes in random wireless sensor networks for the secure data transmission is truly a challenging job for recent researches. Here, the adversaries are moving from one position to another location around the network to do their chores. To improve the level of security in this sensor network, here, a secure routing and monitoring mechanism using Authorized Concealed Arbitrary Watchdogs (ACAW) has been proposed. These Authorized and Concealed Arbitrary Watchdogs are selected from the network using the Eligibility Weight Function (EWF) and making themselves hidden and secured with the help of complex symmetric key approaches to do both routing the data and monitoring the other nodes behaviors. To select the Authorized and Concealed Arbitrary Watchdogs, a secure hybrid routing protocol has been implemented by inheriting the properties of both Multipath Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and Adhoc On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) protocols. This hybrid link state and distance vector mechanism helps to improve the selection and maintenance of ACAW set with less routing overhead. Results of the proposed approach shows the ACAWs are constantly available even the dynamically changing factor of the network. Top Keywords Wireless Sensor Networks, OLSR, AOMDV, Symmetric Key. Top | |
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