Energy Constraint-Based Trust Assurance Route Formation in Wireless Sensor Network Vinayagam S. Sakthi*, Parthasarathy V.** *Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology, Karur, India **Dean, Department of Computer Science, Vel Tech Multitech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract Identity disruption due to the new attack in peer to peer communication termed as Sybil attack. Sybil is a fake ID based malicious activity destroying the network behavior. Sybil activity corrupts the data and makes data loss during transmission. Sybil always interrupts a node when the node receives or sends data in a route. To avoid data loss due to Sybil activity, security must be provided for nodes at the time of data transmission. But at the time of providing security, the time complexity must be considered since sensors are battery powered devices. So, efficient Sybil attacks, security must be provided with low computational complexity. Sybil attack mitigation requires the central authority (administrator) with the one-key based single-identity and this is difficult in practical large scale nodes due to the high-cost manual monitoring. During the data transmission, the energy consumption of the nodes is more. Hence, the nodes in the selected path disrupt the communication that leads to utility-based routing strategy. Moreover, the Sybil attacks introduction interrupts the data transactions among the nodes. Hence, the new system is required to provide the trade-off between the energy, security, and Sybil attack controlling improvement. This paper focusses the trust assurance route formation with the energy and optimal cost basis. The matching and the positional verification according to the energy and trustworthiness of the nodes offer the better performance in Sybil attacks control. The provision of location information prior to data transmission, minimum energy cost route formation without attacks and the utility-based routing with the attacks provides the high-security level against the Sybil attacks. Top Keywords Wireless Sensor Networks, Peer – to – Peer systems, Sybil Attack, Token Assignment, Security. Top |