Probing the Factors Influencing Shoppers’ Behaviour and its Impact on Shoppers’ Loyalty-An Empirical Study with special reference to Shopping Malls in Chennai City Dr. Raj A. Nirmal* *Professor & Head, Department of Management Sciences, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, India Online published on 3 May, 2016. Abstract Indian retail sector has witnessed vigorous growth in the last decade, where various cities became a hub of attraction with emergence of different kinds of organized retail formats gaining momentums which lead to the emergence of shopping malls. These malls are destination for shopping, refreshment and socialization which carved a new shape to the retail industry in India. Chennai is now witnessing the same phenomenon of “mall culture”. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the shopping behavior towards shopping malls with six important dimensions with special reference to Chennai city using structural equation modeling. The study also attempts to assist the retailers, mall designers, administrators, dealers and operators with a seamless mixture of necessary intelligence, in terms of customer's motivations, essential to offer the targeted customers so that the shopping mall can be operated with highest efficiency and performance Top Keywords Shoppers’ shopping Behaviour, Shoppers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty, Shopping Malls, Chennai City. Top | |
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