Women Representation and Empowerment in Politics: Role of Self Help Groups in Tamilnadu Dr. Dheepa T.*, Dr. Barani G.** *Assistant Professor, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India **Assistant Professor, Anna University, Coimbatore, India Online published on 3 May, 2016. Abstract Entry of women into political institutions is an issue of equality. Women's participation in the political process is crucial for strengthening the democratic traditions. SHG serves as a strategic tool in bringing up women in political scenario. This study examines whether the membership in Self-help Group have really made an impact on political empowerment of women. This paper also analyses that women's participation in a community-level programme, membership in various associations, extent of participation in voting and campaigning for elections and participation in grievance handling mechanism have made a mark on their political empowerment. The findings suggest that participating in a group programme would give a platform for women to participate in political sphere. Top Keywords Women, Politics, Empowerment, SHG, Community participation. Top | |
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