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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 5
First page : ( 411) Last page : ( 424)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00125.8

Exploiting Thresholds and Prediction Based Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network

Ramachandran Nandhakumar, Perumal Varalakshmi

Department of Computer Technology, Anna University, Chennai, India

Online published on 3 May, 2016.


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is resource constraints. Sensor nodes send their collected data directly to sink, which increases redundancy of data and consumes more energy. Multihop to reach the base station causes loss in actually sensed data. In this paper Summarized Data Aggregation (SDA) technique is proposed. It consists of two levels of aggregations which are performed based on thresholds. One is an intra-cluster aggregation, which takes place within the cluster head by relative estimation among sensor nodes and inter-cluster head aggregation is performed from one cluster head to another cluster head by blending of aggregate data. It improves network lifetime by reducing the amount of data transmitted among individual sensor nodes to the sink. The proposed technique maximizes accuracy and minimizes energy consumption compared to traditional approaches during data transmission.



Cluster, Intra aggregation, Inter aggregation, redundancy, multihop, Wireless Sensor Networks.


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