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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 5
First page : ( 353) Last page : ( 359)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00121.0

Dimensions of Brand Equity: An Investigation on Higher Education Institutions

Menon Vijayalakshmi P*, Dr. Barani G.**

*School of Management, Sri Krishna Institute of Management, Coimbatore, India

**Management Studies, Anna University Regional Centre, Coimbatore, India

Online published on 3 May, 2016.


This study seeks to investigate the dimensions of brand equity on higher education Institutions. The study contributes to the literature testing the dimensions of brand equity in the higher education sector. Since India is the world's fastest-growing sector in higher education, this study provides insights about the Indian consumers’ perceptions on dimensions of brand equity. Based on Aaker's well-known conceptual framework of brand equity, this study employed correlation and regression to investigate the relationships among the four dimensions of brand equity and overall brand equity in the higher education institutions. The present study used a sample of 635 first year engineering students from Tamilnadu, in India. This finding concludes that edupreneurs, academic administrators and brand managers should consider the relative importance of brand equity in their overall brand equity evaluation and should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty.



Brand equity dimensions, Higher education Institutions, Eduprenuer, regression analysis, India.


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