Modelling and Simulation of Non Linear Spherical Tank Level Process Reshma K V*, Dr. Sumathi S.** *P.G. Scholar, Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, India **Professor, Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, India Online published on 3 May, 2016. Abstract Control of process parameters is one of the most important problems in process industry. The process is considered for modeling of spherical tank liquid level system. Control of liquid level spherical tank is nonlinear due to the variation in particular area of cross section of the level system with change in shape. The aim of this paper is to implement an optimum controller for a spherical tank. The main objective of this controller is to maintain the level inside the process tank in desired value. System identification of this nonlinear process is done using piece-wise models. The control system is intended to maintain the level of the tank at desired set point. Conventional PID controller is a powerful controller used in this process industry to regulate and control process variable without the nonlinearity. In this work consider the nonlinearity of the system so, different controllers are used for maintain the level. According to the nonlinearity, need to implement the conventional controllers like PI and PID, Model Reference Adaptive Controller for adapt the external behavior of the system, IMC based PI controller and Model Based Skogestad Controller (SIMC). Controller design is compared based on conventional controllers and Model Reference Adaptive Controller with Internal Model Control (IMC) based on Skogested's settings in terms of performance. Out of the control algorithms SIMC performs in no overshoot, faster settling time, better set point tracking. Top | |
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