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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 4
First page : ( 492) Last page : ( 512)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00075.7

A Decade after Tsunami: Its impact on the Quality of Life of the Coastal Fisher Folk of Tamilnadu

Mr. Victor S*, Dr. Amirthaiyan S.**

*Assistant Professor, Anna University, Chennai, India

**Associate Professor, St. Judes College, Thoothoor, India

Online published on 5 April, 2016.


It is now a decade 2004–2014 since the huge seismic waves devastated the coast of half a dozen littoral countries of the Indian Ocean including South India. This article examines the quality of life (living standards) of the households of coastal Fisher folk of Tamilnadu whose coast was also battered by killer waves in December 2004. Besides analyzing the quality of life of the coastal fisher folk based on certain general socioeconomic parameters, the article highlights the two vital socioeconomic indicators describing the quality of life of any sub-community in a society i.e. income and expenditure by analyzing the level, composition and distribution of income and expenditure of households of coastal fisher folk both before and after a decade of tsunami. The level of the inequality in the distribution of income and expenditure that describe quality of life was measured graphically through a Lorenz curve. The consumption function, which reveals the relationship between income and expenditure, is also estimated in order to make further inference about the quality of life of fishing community which have been socially marginalised and economically downtrodden for centuries.



Household disposable income, household consumption expenditure, income elasticity, household size elasticity, Tsunami.


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