Reflection of the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility in the Climate Change Regime Md. Mustofa Jahid* *Academic Coordinator and Faculty, Southeast University Online published on 5 April, 2016. Abstract History of the world shows that every generation faces a challenge for its existence. Echoing with this historic veracity, the author argues that the climate change is the greatest ordeal the human being ever encountered. Addressing global climate change is a serious matter, and a great deal is at stake. Just as nuclear Armageddon would have resulted from human failures, global warming is the product of the activities and decisions of human beings. Scientists have predict that global warming is underway the climate is frequently changing. This causes increased frequency of severe weather events like floods and droughts, adverse changes in agricultural yields, increased human mortality from heat and cold, coastal erosion and damage from the rise in sea level, melting glaciers, and an accumulation of other problems. These problems will harm the poorest countries and peoples the most due to their vulnerable position and limited resources, which make it impossible for them to adapt. Top Keywords Common, Responsibility, Climate, Environment, Human, Global. Top | |
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