Exploring The Linkage between Organisational Climate to Job Satisfaction, Culture, Commitment and Performance Ravishankar K.1, Dr. Batcha H. Moideen2, Dr. Venkateswaran P.S.3, Subramani A.K.4, Dr. Mahadevan A.5 1Research Scholar, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, E-mail: ravimba2008@gmail.com 2Professor cum Head of the Department, Department of Management Studies, Veltech Hightech Dr. Rangarajan, Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, E-mail: hmoideenbatcha@gmail.com 3Professor, Department of Management Studies, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Email: venkatespsna07@gmail.com 4Assistant Professor, Veltech Business School, Vel Tech University, Avadi, Chennai, Email: aksubramani@gmail.com 5Professor, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem, Tamil Nadu, E-mail: mahaphd2007@gmail.com Online published on 4 March, 2016. Abstract The research aims to find out the linkage between Organisational climate to job satisfaction, Organisational culture, commitment and performance in selected cement Industry around Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The research design for the study is descriptive. Systematic Random Sampling Method was used and the Sample size was 242. The internal consistency of the variables was studied using Cronbach's alpha value. To analyse factorial validity, the items were factor analysed using principle component analysis with Varimax rotation. Structural equation modeling deployed to find out the linkage between Organisational climate to job satisfaction, Organisational culture, commitment and performance. Results shows that Organisational climate have significant influence on Job satisfaction and Organisational culture. Commitment of the employees is having more influencing factors other than organisational climate. Job satisfaction has significant influence on Commitment. Overall, the results suggest that the dimensions of organizational climate have significant relationship on organizational performance. Hence Cement industries have to satisfy their employees to make them committed towards their job. Top Keywords Organisational climate, job satisfaction, Organisational culture, commitment, performance. Top |