How Confident are our Pre Service Teachers of Primary Training Colleges - A Peep into the Effect of Academic Performance on the Confidence Levels Dr. Sharma Divya Assistant Professor, K J Somaiya College of Education, Mumbai, India Online published on 4 March, 2016. Abstract Confidence is an imperative attribute for teacher quality. A confident teacher is able to transact the curriculum in an effective manner and this plays a role in enhancing the achievement of students. The main objective of the research is to study the effect of achievement with reference to gender and area on the confidence level of pre service teachers of primary training colleges. The study draws its sample from the primary training colleges of Gujarat Region. The sample is drawn through stratified random sampling technique and consists of 320 pre service teachers. Survey method is employed to carry out the research. Tool of the study is Pre service Teachers Confidence Scale developed by Sharma D. (2010). The reliability coefficient of the scale through test retest is 0.82. It is a five point rating scale having 50 statements. Main components of the scale are content, teaching work, teaching commitment, co-curricular activities, behavior with colleagues and evaluation competencies. The study found that 37% of the Preservice teachers contained Good confidence level and 58% of teachers have medium confidence level. Only 4% of teachers had very good confidence level. Significant difference was observed in the confidence of Pre service male as well as the female high and low academic achievers belonging to urban area and the confidence of high academic achievers is found to be more as compared to that of low academic achievers. Further no significant difference was observed in case of Pre service male as well as the female high and low academic achievers belonging to rural area. Top Keywords Academic Differences, Achievement, Gender Differences, Regional Differences, Pre service teachers, Confidence level. Top | |
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