Similar Designs and Symbols in Indo-Achamenid Art Hosseini Mohammad, Ehsan Research Scholar, University of Mysore, DOS in Ancient History & Archaeology Online published on 4 June, 2015. Abstract History of Iran and India show a great relationship of cultural and arts between these two civilizations. Among the all dynasties and throughout the history, the golden Era of Achamenid Period in Iran and Mauryan age of India show the high cultural and architectural similarity. Mauryan palaces in pataliputra and architectural remains of this era show strong similarity with Achamenid's palaces in Persepolis and other sites of Iran in this period. This similarities covered pillars, pillared halls, decoration of monuments and also using of same patterns and designs of symbols which discovered in archaeological excavations. This common art indicated to same cultural origin of both civilizations. Lotus which known as national floral symbol of India, has found in many monuments of Indian civilization in all of Indian history. By studying of Iranian arts in pre Islamic period especially in Achamenid and Sassanid period we can find the same usage and importance of lotus, which used widely in Persepolis. Swastika pattern is the other symbols which play an important role in Indian culture and religion. We can observe this pattern in Hindu temples, Buddhist sites and jaina temples. although, Swastika pattern is very popular in India, but this pattern is one of the oldest design pattern which used by man in ancient time and in many civilization such as Celt, Egypt, minor Asia and Iran we have widely usage of this pattern. The earliest evidence of swastika pattern found in Tall-i Bakun (6th millennium BC to circa 4th millennium BC) in south Iran near Persepolis. By the study of Persian art and architecture we can find this pattern in numerous sites on monuments decorations, pottery and other objects like carpet.* Buddha wheel or Dharmacakra is other symbol which used in both civilizations. Today In India Buddha wheel used in national flag, but the origin of this pattern is Mauryan dynasty and Saranatha pillar which this symbol engraved on the base of this pillar's abacus. In Iran during Achamenid period we have same pattern which used widely in Persepolis which known as sun carrousel. But this is very important to note, the earliest evidence of this pattern discovered in an archaeological excavation in BABA JAAN mound in Iran which belongs to 8th and 9th C.B.C. this pattern later used by Achamenid artists in 5th C.B.C and then by Ashoka in 3rd C.B.C. Griffin is other important symbol which used in both Iran and India during Achamenid and Mauryan period. At first, Griffin used in pillar capitals of Persepolis and in Achamenid Rhyton s † later we have same design of Griffin in Sanchi stupa, India. Top Keywords Achamenid, Mauryan, Lotus, Swastika pattern, Buddha wheel, Griffin. Top |