Prioritization of affecting factors on labor productivity using Shannon Entropy and Electre method (Case Study: Fars Transportation Company) Eftekhari Abedin MA. Student, MBA Management, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Online published on 2 May, 2015. Abstract Human resources are the most valuable resource of any organization, recognizing effective factors on promotion and increase staff productivity requires high importance and necessity. Hence the present study has been conducted aimed to identify factors affecting on Fars Transport Company employees productivity enhancing. This study was based expert and does not need to estimate the statistical community. In the first step ten expert opinions collected and the weight of indicators was extracted by using the Shannon entropy and then combined by using Electre method, and it was prioritized according to the results of its indexes and important indicator was identified which its output is indicating that: Option of physical environment, occupational safety and leadership style are the most important things. Also, in this study the questionnaire analysis tool is MS EXCEL. Top Keywords Improving labor productivity, affecting factors, Fars Transport Company, Shannon entropy, Electre. Top | |
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