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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 4
First page : ( 281) Last page : ( 299)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2015.00102.1

Role of Professionals in the Educational Interventions of Children with Disabilities

Abeshu Getachew

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Jimma University, Jimma

Online published on 4 April, 2015.


Issues of professional roles were/are overlooked in developing countries, specifically in ours. Due to this fact, this study was undertaken to investigate the roles and capabilities of professionals in relation to the education policy statements of children with disabilities. The subjects covered in the study were purposefully selected from two schools in Jimma; experts of district Education Office and college instructors in the zone. The instruments employed to collect data were interview, FGD and observations. The finding of the study discloses that there is role confusion among professionals concerning their areas of expertise. Policies that were implemented from the best intensions of the providers do not exceed a statement made between the decision makers and the implementers. Professionals were/are misplaced and most experts are stranger for the field. Lack of specific policy and laws that states responsibilities of professionals are nonexistent that in turn hampers the education of those children. Special education teachers were regarded as the only responsible professionals in the education of children with disabilities. Hence, there is a need for a clearly stated education guide that uncover the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the education including their participation in curriculum planning, educational decision making, and placement of children with disabilities in the region. Empowering, training and counseling parents, conducting research on the educational intervention are some recommended roles of professionals.



Disability, Intervention, Professionals, Role.


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