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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 4
First page : ( 232) Last page : ( 237)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2015.00096.9

Boasting in Poets’ Works: The Emperor of Speech, Nezami

Mo‘inifard Behnāz

M.A. in Persian Literature, Ministry of Education, District 4 of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

Online published on 4 April, 2015.


It can be said that the poets’ purpose of boasting is not just arrogance and self-praise but it is a spiritual figure of speech in the poem which is the language of dream. Boasting is a figure of speech which has been used from the early ages of the existence of Persian poems. This study aims at investigating this issue in Nezami's poems and ideas based on the existing samples. This is a library research and is based on some essays on the boasting in some poems’ works and Nezami's Panj Ganj (Khamseh) as well as through content analysis. Findings show that he has used boasting to achieve some goals: sometimes he has aimed to make his ability in literature prominent, sometimes he has made his work unforgettable by highlighting his poem and offering it to a prominent person, and finally sometimes he has wanted to remind the readers of the value of his poems.



Boasting and self-praising, Nezami, boasting of Nezami, Nezami's Khamseh, poem.


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