Impact of Ethical Behavior of Indian Project Managers on Project Performance: A Qualitative Analysis in the IT Sector Padhi Shradha Associate Professor, KIIT School of Management (KSOM), India Online published on 4 April, 2015. Abstract The main objectives of this paper is to do a comprehensive review of literature of New human resource dimensional thought in Leadership Grid which helps to cater and measure ethical standards in IT Companies globally in 21st century. Role of ethics and ethical behavior of project managers influencing project performance
Even though there are some studies available on the subject. They are general in nature covering all the industries. This paper, however, will limit its scope to the project management processes within IT/ITES industries in India. Methodology To have a broad idea on the impact of ethical behavior in the project I have taken secondary information from different research journals. Also discussed with project managers to understand the impact of different ethical behaviors. Top Keywords Project Performance, Micro, Leadership. Top | |
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