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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 20)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2015.00075.1

Assessment on the Challenges and Opportunities of Beef Farming - The Case of Gondar City - Amhara Region- Ethiopia

Belay Bisewur Eyaya*, Birhane Abebe**

*Lecturer, Department of Geography & Environmental Studies. Dean, College of Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Gondar, Ethiopia

**Remote Sensing and GIS Expert, Sekela Woreda, Ethiopia

Online published on 4 April, 2015.


Beef farming is a strong animal industry throughout the world. Since the cattle can graze forages in the open range and pasturelands, they serve a unique role in providing high quality protein for human consumption from byproducts and forage sources that humans and non-ruminant animals do not consume. It is also having economic impact in the world. Obviously, the meat is processed into many nutritious product, including steaks, roasts, hamburger, sausages etc. However, there are several valuable byproducts from the beef animal that also serve mankind. These include leather goods, fertilizers, cosmetic drugs, hair products, perfumes, gelatin products, glues and animal feed byproduct etc. This study is focused on assessing the challenges and opportunities of beef farming in Gondar city, North Western Ethiopia. In order to keep the representativeness of the sample, the researchers use systematic random sampling techniques. First, the target population was identified and they were those beef farmers who got a license from the municipality of the city. Depending on the list of beef farmers the researcher selected fifty samples among seventy five total populations by using simple random sampling method.

Even though, beef farming has contributions on socio- economic development of Gondar city, this economic system has faced many challenges. These challenges occurred during the time of fattening, while searching market to sell the cattle and at the place of fattening. Food and water related problems, absence of permanent land for beef farming activities, transport, lack of governmental and non-governmental support, lack of easy access to credit institutions, death of cattle due to diseases and low access to animal health service are the major pitfalls affecting beef farming activities in Gondar city. Therefore, in order to address the challenges giving free or low cost permanent land, providing loan and medical services for beef farmers are expected from the government of the city and other stakeholders working on beef farming.



Beef Farming, Socio-economic Development, Challenges, Opportunities.


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