Food insecurity at household level in Aligarh district Owais Saba, Research Fellow, Hannan Akram, Research Scholar, Dr. Menka, Research Fellow Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India Online published on 13 August, 2013. Abstract Food Insecurity has been a matter of great concern. As Food is one of the basic human needs and indispensable for the survival of life. On the other hand Food Insecurity is the reverse condition in which people don't get safe, balanced and nutritious food not even two square meal a day and go to bed hungry. As far as India is concerned almost 47 per cent of its total population is malnourished or food insecure. India has self sufficient in terms of food grains, still food insecurity persists at household even at individual level. The present study has been attempted to identify Food Insecurity at household level in Aligarh District. The study reveals that the study area i.e. Aligarh is being one of the agriculturally developed region, but in spite of this having high per cent of Food Insecure households in terms of calorific value. After analyses it has been conclude that about 36.93 per cent of sampled households have caloric intake less than 2400 which is a standard calorific value. And 9.95 per cent are suffer from severe hunger and starvation with calorific value less than 1810. Most of the sampled households suffered from Food Insecurity because of many factors such as availability of land, income, employment structure, family size etc. which affect the household Food Security and family faces the problem of food insecurity. Top | |
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