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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 8
First page : ( 108) Last page : ( 115)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

The perceptual manifold: Martin navnihal lochner's encounters with reality

Dr. Chowdhury Piku

Assistant Professor, Satyapriya Roy College of Education, Kolkata, India

Online published on 13 August, 2013.


Based in Cape Town, Martin Lochner emerges as a promising voice in the literary scenario. Author of two acclaimed anthologies Decent World and Kalahari Blues, and recognised on various platforms like Poetry Bay on line Journal, The River, Vocality Blogradio, Combustus, Lyrical Passion, Maverick Poetry Magazine, Goldfish Press, Sparkbright, Long Island Review, Booktimes Review, Reenblom and Adder and Angel, to name a few, Martin was awarded the prestigious Carpe Noctem National Award for Afrikaans poetry, 2012. Passing through a difficult childhood, afflicted with Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties, Martin encountered deep disquiet and pain in form of post-traumatic stress and neglect. The world of inequity in the form of Apartheid and the intimidating world of words suffocated and yet the spirit yearned for a true negotiation of the Real. It is indeed enthralling to see how the tormented intellect, afflicted by Dyslexia turns to the words themselves in a profoundly spiritual quest for a realization of the Absolute or the ultimate reality through the blinding alleys of superficial perceptual manifold that perpetually defers an ultimate communion.



Reality, Absolute, words, spirituality, confrontation, meaning.


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