The flagship programmes in India Singh Nirmal Senior Research Fellow, School of Social Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India Online published on 13 August, 2013. Abstract In democracy, the political parties forms governments and fulfil promises and commitments made to people at the time of elections by launching plans, policies, programmes or schemes aimed at social and economic development. As part of central transfers to states, the centre government initiate flagship development programmes under the subjects in the state list and provide financial resources to state governments to implement them with the help of their administration and agencies. The paper discusses meaning of flagship programmes and their reasons of their emergence. The paper highlights some of the major flagship programmes started in India since independence and conclude discussion with pointing out drawbacks such as corruption, under achievement of targets, diversion of funds etc. associated with implementation of flagship programmes. Top Keywords Flagship Programmes, Central Government, Development, Planning. Top | |
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