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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 8
First page : ( 24) Last page : ( 31)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Soul incorporeity from the look of Avicena, Sheikh-el- Eshragh & Mullah-Sadra

Sohrabi Yazdan, Noroozian Ashraf

Department of Islamic Science, Payame Noor University, I.R. Iran

Online published on 13 August, 2013.


Understanding the soul's truth and distinguishing its unknowns have always been a distress for Muslim philosophers. Incorporeity is one of the major characteristics of the soul, because speaking about other world will be non-sense, if the existence of incorporeal soul after the corpus corruption is not proven. This article reviews the viewpoint of three grand Muslim philosophers (Avicena, Sheikh-el-Eshragh & sadr-el-Motaahelin) concerning incorporeity. Avicena brings the soul topic in natural science, since he believes the soul is the first maturity for the natural body, and is abstract and metaphysical. In case, this is the question that what kind of connection do the body and soul have? Answering this question is a part of this article.

Against other sages who discussed the soul in natural science, Sheikh-el-Eshragh sits it into metaphysics. In his eye, the soul is a light of divine enlightenment which is stuck in body's cage, and must try to escape from body's trap and also the darkness of materialistic world. Some of the reasons that Sohrevardi brings for immateriality of soul are derived from Aristotelians and the others are from his own.



The soul of speech, Corporeity, Substantive movement, First maturity, Second maturity, substantially occurred.


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