Study of learning environment of urban and rural government middle schools: An overview of Jammu district Dr. Bajaj Shivali Online published on 7 February, 2013. Abstract Learning environment play a significant role in better upbringing and development of children. No programme can be successful without effective holistic approach towards learning. This paper is an attempt to study and examine how the surroundings of the school have an impact on the learning process among students of Governments schools of both the urban and rural areas of Jammu District. The study will be conducted on 160 student of Class 7th and 8th from 8 Government Middle Schools falling in Urban and Rural Jurisdictions. Questioner related to the learning aptitude of student will be prepared to access school environment, emotional aspects and socio-economic status of Urban and Rural areas of the study region. Statistical techniques will be employed to access the effect on the three selected dimensions of Learning. Top Keywords Leaning Environment, Aptitude, School Environment, Emotional Aspects, Socio-Economic Status. Top | |
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