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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 2
First page : ( 79) Last page : ( 89)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Art of self managing leadership

Dr. Gaur Vidhu

Assistant Professor, Alliance University, Bangalore, India

Online published on 7 February, 2013.


The aim of self managing leadership is to learn how to better manage the inner organization as a means for more effective leadership of the external organization and develop a practical self-management plan so that one can get the best out of oneself and others too. As the external environmental changes fast, the importance of self-management increases. It is hardly possible to manage the external environment with the existing set up anymore. There has traditionally been a view of management that if you could manage the external environment then you could manage the change successfully. But the experience is that it is not always possible to manage the changes successfully from the external environment but there is a need to change the internal i.e. towards managing our inner self that is, harnessing our inner resources which we have so far tended to neglect. We can consciously create our future on the basis of guiding values and a focused vision of the future. If we view business enterprise in the perspective of Gita, the practice of management will acquire a new complexion; it will no longer be a purely objective exercise to achieve external results. It will concern itself equally with the subjective aspect of individuals. What a business career does for a manager will be as important as what he does for the business. Will he emerge as a positive, wholesome, harmonious individual with a sense of growing toward his own total fulfilment? As a whole, will managers be able to create a healthy and wholesome community, of which the manager himself will be a satisfied member? Questions such as these will increasingly determine business policy and management practices.



Value System, Personal Re-engineering, Gurukul, Innate Values, Adaptability.


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