A study of awareness and attitudes of pregnant women in regard to cord blood stem cells banking in baroda city Patel Priyanka, Ghanchi Gulista Student, S.V. Institute of Management, Gujarat Technological University, India. Online published on 7 February, 2013. Abstract Stem cells from a variety of sources, including umbilical cord blood in medical therapies. Mainly three types of stem cells are used to cure 75 diseases like cancer, leukemia, lymphomas, brain damages, brain tumor to name some major ones. Stem cells can use as lifesaving alternative in transplant cases in emergency. People are not aware about the advantages of storing the cord stem cells. The present study focuses on understanding the awareness level and attitudes of pregnant women with regard to cord blood stem cells. The study consists of 75 expected mothers from Baroda city. Data was collected through structured questionnaire and found that most of the women are not aware about stem cell preservation concept, which can insure them from life threatening diseases. Top Keywords Stem cells, Cord blood, Umbilical cord, Bone marrow. Top | |
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