Students’ attitude towards technical-vocational education program in oromia regional state Prof. Devi P. Nirmala, Mr. Challa Lelissa Department of Psychology and Parapsychology, Andhra University, India. Online published on 7 February, 2013. Abstract Attitudes play an important role in guiding and predicting future actions. Historically where TVET (Technical-Vocational Education &Training) happened to be perceived as education for failures, and where it is expanding and catering many trainees, it is important to examine the attitude of students towards TVET program. This study intended to examine the attitude of students towards TVET Program. In the study, 425 (male = 214, females = 211) students from two TVET colleges in Oromia Regional State were participated. A Likert scale with 5 points responses of an attitude measurement and background information questions were used to collect data. Mean, Standard deviations and three-way ANOVA were employed for analysis. The significance level of the variables was tested at 0.05 alpha. The results suggested a more favorable attitude of students towards TVET program. Significant gender and educational level differences in attitude towards TVET program were found while that of a field study showed non-significant attitude differences. Male students favored TVET program more than female students. The attitude was found to be rising as a student level of education is increasing. Differences in male and female attitudes towards TVET program need to strengthen vocational counseling services in TVET institutions in Ethiopia. Top Keywords attitude, perception, views, training, vocational education. Top | |
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