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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 1
First page : ( 158) Last page : ( 181)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

A study on implementation of knowledge management in GACL, Ranoli, Gujarat

Inda Shyam Singh*, Ms Shaikh Nazneen**

*Faculty, Department of Social Work, SP University, Vidhyanagar, Gujarat.

**Faculty, Kadakia Institute of Management, Bharuch, Gujarat.


We live in an era of knowledge economy. “Knowledge is critical for this competitive edge. Organizations strive to upgrade and leverage its knowledge capturing, storing, sharing and leveraging knowledge is given utmost importance in organizations. This process is commonly known as “knowledge management” The study of knowledge dates back to ancient Greece. Even before that, knowledge was at least implicitly managed as people performed work. Early hunters, for example learned the best skills and practices for a successful hunt. These skills and techniques transferred from one generation to the next. This illustrates the transfer of knowledge, a knowledge management activity. Knowledge management is a key concept in today's business world. Evidence of this fact is apparent if one only peruses the current business, management, and organization literature. Why are businesses and organizations devoting considerable money, time, and effort into knowledge management projects? The answer is they want to survive. McCampbell, Clare, and Glitters (1999) maintain that in an economy of uncertainty, the only sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge. “Successful companies are those that consistently create new knowledge, disseminate it widely throughout the organization, and quickly embody it in new technologies and products” (p. 172). They argue that the new business environment is characterized by radical and discontinuous change. The environment requires organization members to anticipate changes and carry out a faster cycle of knowledge creation and action based on the new knowledge (McCampbell et al., 1999, p. 173). Knowledge is something that is acted upon, that has an effect on the way things are. We are not interested in information that lies passive on shelves, in files, or in archives. A knowledge business is created when the know-how inside the needs of customers outside the firm meet

As we enter the 21st century we are moving into a new phase of economic and social development, which can usefully be referred to as a “knowledge economy”, in which knowledge will be a key determining factor in organizational and economic success or failure. The most effective organizations in the knowledge economy will be those which recognize and best harness the crucial role that knowledge plays both inside and outside their organization.



Knowledge, People, Process, Technology.


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