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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 1
First page : ( 148) Last page : ( 157)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Civil society, ULFA and the peace process

Dr. Deka Arup Kumar

Research Associate, Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development (OKDISCD), Guwahati, India.


Civil society refers to the arena of uncoerced collective action around shared interests, purposes and values. They are distinct from those of the state, family and market and play an important role by bringing issues to the peace building agenda through advocacy. Assam has been facing armed secessionist movement; the ULFA is being the most prominent group. Though, initially ULFA enjoyed support from the people, however, such support declined as the violence perpetrated by the ULFA continued. Ideologically, the group also deviated from its earlier position as the very issue of immigration got diluted midway. There have been efforts from both the government and civil society organisations to facilitate negotiations between ULFA and the governments. There has been a supposition that the civil society could play an important role by assisting in the dialogue process. However, neither the government nor the civil society groups have been successful to put an impressive role in bringing the peace dialogue meaningful. The paper has made an attempt to analyse various issues including why ULFA opting for peace negotiations, the role played by the civil society organisations, why civil societies are not successful and also analyses and concludes by suggesting recommendations for a meaningful dialogue to handle this issue.



United Liberation Front of Assam, ULFA, Assam, Civil Society, Peace Process.


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