Present status of primary education in birbhum district of West Bengal: A block level study Das Chandra Kanta*, Mondal Debabrata** *Assistant Teacher, Raghunathganj High School, Murshidabad, West Bengal. **Assistant Teacher, Manindranagar High School (HS), Murshidabad, West Bengal. Abstract Since primary education is the base of formal education, the main goal of Indian Government is to improve its primary education system by introducing a number of development initiatives suited for the country. However, there still prevails wide range of regional disparities in terms of educational attainments throughout the whole India. The present study about the block level status of primary education in Birbhum district depicts the spatial patterns of ten facilities provided for the betterment of primary education by the Govt. applying Z-score and mapping techniques. The result shows that there is huge disparity in terms of infrastructural as well as institutional facility provided to the primary schools where as only few block maintain the balanced situation. This haphazard distribution also consequences in the uneven distribution pattern of Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) over the district. Top Keywords Primary Education, Teacher Pupil Ratio, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Composite Score. Top | |
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