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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-8 (August)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000
Online ISSN : 2249-7315

Table of contents

Protective role of moringa oleifera on nimesulide induced hepatotoxicity in albino rat model
Dr. Shyamal Kanti Das, Dr. Chandan Roy, Dr. Ramesh Chandra Das

Comparative trade interaction between India and China
Dr. Shobana Nelasco

Management of municipal solid waste in emerging mega cities: A case study of Delhi
Mr. Ashwani Kumar, Mr. Yogender Kumar

An exploratory analysis on the empowerment and social impact of women self help group members in Kanchipuram district
Dr. D. Baskar, Dr. K. Sundar

A study on the ‘readiness to change’ among public sector employees
Mr. Az-Har Basheer, Dr. M.M. Sulphey

Knowledge management in higher education
Vennila Gopal, Dr. K. Shobha

Land use dynamics and wetland biodiversity of dora beel in Kamrup district-Assam
Kishore Bharali, R. Borthakur, K. Bungnamei, Dhruba Sahariah

Tourism potentiality of high range areas of Kerala - A case study of wayanad district
Dr. Suresh A, Dr. Ayoob C P

Recent trends of mass media in development communication
Dr Chandra Shekhar Ghanta

Dealing with the guest-host relationship in destination planning: A socio-economic analysis in the light of Sikkim
Debasish Batabyal, Proma Dasgupta

The challenges ahead of right to education act, 2009
Haobijam Vokendro

Stylistic innovations in kahlil gibran's works: With special reference to the prophet
Shabir Hussain Ganaie, Shabir Magami

Credit based evaluation system in higher education -enhancing its viability through ict's interventions
Dr. Nishta Rana, Vivek Sharma

Dibang multi-purpose project: A cretical anaysis of communities’ perception
Mr. Riko Mihu

The role of expectation and desire disconfirmations in satisfaction formation: Evidence from ghana's mobile telecom industry
Simon Gyasi Nimako

Understanding parent child relationship with reference to academic performance: A study undertaken in selected schools of Anand city Gujarat
Mr. Madhav Hathi, Dr. Shivani Mishra

Social capital and its impact on individual health
Poonam Khanna, Rekha Kaushik

Role of ict in life-long learning
Dr. (Mrs.) Nishta Rana

Gender and labour in rural Ethiopia: The case of libo kemkem Woreda
Mossa Endris Ahmed

Public food grain distribution system(PFDS) in Bangladesh: A critical evaluation of the open market sale
Tabassum Zaman, Md. Zobayer Bin Amir

Construction of physical fitness test for high school boys: A factor analytic approach
S M Prakash, A K Uppal


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