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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-7 (July)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315

Table of contents

An analysis of the Indian cement sector and evaluating the impact of a possible merger between two top players - (ACC and Ambuja cements Ltd)
Dr. Deepak Tandon, Navneet Saxena Sh., Reetam Sinha

Analgesic transdermal therapeutic system: A market survey
Abdullah Bin Junaid, Dr. Reshma Nasreen

Self-image, self-esteem & adjustment phases of women victims in jean sasson's works
Vijay Mehta

Micro enterprise is a gate way for success of women entrepreneurs - An empirical study
K. Gowri, Dr. J. Fredrick

The role of expectation and desire disconfirmations in satisfaction formation: Evidence from ghana's mobile telecom industry
Simon Gyasi Nimako

Workers and earning disparity in informal manufacturing: A state-wise analysis
Dr. Neeru Garg

Engineering socio-political exclusion? Experience of dalit women representatives in rural local governance in south Karnataka, India
Dr. Nanjunda

Impact of traditional practices on reproductive health of women in char areas: A comparative study of three blocks of darrang district, Assam
Sonali Borah Sahariah

Employee atttiude and job satisfaction survey
Dr. Ananthapadhmanabha Achar

“Impact of nadhishodhan pranayama psychological well-being of middle aged working women”
Anuja, Asim Kulshrestha

Identity politics in West Bengal: The greater cooch behar state demand in North Bengal
Kamal Chandra Barman

Developing erp utilization risks through a risk ontology
Dr. Venkatesh. J, Ms. C. Aarthy

The process of urbanization in Kerala, India
Dr. Laya K.S

Socio-economic study of rakchham-chhitkul wildlife sanctuary in district Kinnaur (H.P.)
Dr. Pawan K. Attri

Does ascribed status shape one's achievements?- A socio-psychological study on emotional intelligence of adolescents.
Varsha Kapoor

So what makes cyberspace so fascinating?
Reema Malhotra

Jennifer aaker's brand personality measurement framework for selected mobile brands
Dr. Vandana Bharti

Managing organisational quality of work life: a case study
S. Bimol Devi, Dr. Ch. Ibohal Meitei


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