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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 220) Last page : ( 233)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

So what makes cyberspace so fascinating?

Malhotra Reema, Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology, Keshav Mahavidayalya, University of Delhi, India.

Online published on 10 July, 2012.


Internet has occupied an imperative place in our lives today, even as the world has witnessed an astounding growth in its access, commerce and popularity in the last decade. Be it socialization, academics, entertainment or business, more and more youth of today are feeling drawn to the cyberspace in a way that it seems to be taking shape into a new community altogether, giving rise to newer identities. In this paper, I attempt to delineate the prime attributes of cyberspace that makes it fascinating for us. Using the works of some contemporary researchers, each feature is addressed critically, including its psychosocial bearing on an individual and collective level.



Communication, Cyberspace, Technology, Psychosocial.


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