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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 105) Last page : ( 118)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Engineering socio-political exclusion? Experience of dalit women representatives in rural local governance in south Karnataka, India

Dr. Nanjunda

National ‘Centre for Development Policy and Inclusive Growth®, Mysore, India.

Online published on 10 July, 2012.


The Empowerment of Dalit or Scheduled Caste (most depressed and excluded caste in India) women through the political institution of Panchayati Raj (local self-government in India) has made a noteworthy gift to the practice of democratization. Consequently, necessities of Social justice at certain stages of Panchayats will have a rational and affirmative upshot towards their sustainable empowerment. As a result, it is having enormous influence on the formation and functioning of local government in the whole India. It is mounting demand for growing presence of women and their empowerment primarily to decision making. It is well truth that recently considerable number of Dalit women is being elected to the Panchayats. However, it is found that various types of caste discrimination on Dalit women representatives even sexual and harassments in performing their public roles effectively have become a common event in certain rural part. It is worrisome that bureaucrats also treat such elected Panchayats representatives with ignore and indifference. Hence such attitudes and practices additionally draws perimeter regarding effectiveness of elected Panchayats representatives from Dalit community. This paper is based on an empirical study conducted in the selected district of Southern Karnataka –India. It concludes Dalit women members are being discriminated in various facets in rural local governance just because of caste factor.


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