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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 95) Last page : ( 104)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Workers and earning disparity in informal manufacturing: A state-wise analysis

Dr. Garg Neeru, Head

Department of Commerce, SSD Girls College, Bathinda  Punjab, India.

Online published on 10 July, 2012.


Countries around the world have been experiencing period of jobless growth during the past decade or so, in which output expanded but formal employment has almost stagnated. As a result, informal employment has grown which represents poor quality of remunerative work. Throughout the world, under dual labour market conditions informal sector employment is a major source of employment and India is no exception in this regard. Notwithstanding various policies to address regional disparities in industrial development, the issue of balanced regional industrial development still remains in India. Studies dealing with the issue mainly focused on the organised industries. In spite of the fact that the unorganised manufacturing sector occupies a dominant position compared to the organised sector and recognized as the most potential sector for rapid employment creation; no attempt has been made so far to examine the regional pattern of the sector. This paper examines the wage employment disparity in different states in case of unorganised manufacturing sector of India. It also focuses on the reasons of low wages prevailing in this sector. It argues for the state support for improving the quality of employment in this sector, which provides sources of livelihood to a sizeable proportion of the work force.



jobless growth, formal, dual labour market, unorganised sector, employment disparity.


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