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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 73) Last page : ( 94)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

The role of expectation and desire disconfirmations in satisfaction formation: Evidence from ghana's mobile telecom industry

Nimako Simon Gyasi

Department of Management Studies  Education University of Education, Winneba, Kumasi Campus, Ghana  West Africa.

Online published on 10 July, 2012.


This paper, which was a part of a larger study, sought to empirically examine the role of expectation and desire in customer satisfaction (CS) formation in Ghana's mobile telephony Industry (GMTI). It involved a cross-sectional survey that used a self-administered structured questionnaire to collect data from 1000 individual subscribers selected from four mobile telecom networks. The findings indicate that expectation disconfirmation (ED) and desire disconfirmation (DD) are two separate constructs that individually and simultaneously affect overall customer satisfaction (OCS), with ED having a stronger impact on OCS. Expectation and desire of customers should be managed effectively since both have collectively stronger impact on OCS than their individual effect on OCS. Customers’ expectation and desire differ according to education. The paper contributes to the body of knowledge in the area of managing customer expectations and desires in CS formation in mobile telephony context and provides important theoretical and managerial implications.



Customer satisfaction, customer expectations, customer desires, Ghana mobile telecom industry, disconfirmation models, expectation disconfirmation, desire disconfirmation.


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