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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 62) Last page : ( 72)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Micro enterprise is a gate way for success of women entrepreneurs - An empirical study

Gowri K., Assistant Professor, Dr. Fredrick J., Assistant Professor (SG)

Department of Economics, N.M.S.S.V.N. College, Nagamalai, Madurai.

Online published on 10 July, 2012.


Entrepreneurship is the core of economic development. It is a multidimentional task and essentially a creative activity. Entrepreneur is the key factor of entrepreneurship and therefore Indian women entrepreneurs are no exception to it. The concept of women entrepreneurship is becoming a global phenomenon today but due to late entry in India It's a new phenomenon. The SHGs is playing an important catalytic role in creating and enabling helping environment by giving funds, training and other concessions. The study addressed the functioning of micro enterprises established by women SHGs, the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of micro enterprises and the performance of micro enterprises in terms of socio, economic and political empowerment of the women micro entrepreneurs. A sample of women entrepreneurs were interviewed to better understanding this phenomenon. Results indicate that women entrepreneurs are significantly more adjusted, social agreeable and more conscientious.


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