Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups: Socio-Economic Status of Women in Assam With Special Reference to Nalbari District Das Biju Mani, Faculty Humanities and Social Sciences, Azara, Guwahati-17 Online published on 8 June, 2012. Abstract The term women empowerment and self-help-groups are closely interrelated. Now-a days, every individual want to be self-dependent for which the opportunity of engagement is utmost important. Even women want to de something for earning to them as well as to support their families. In this regard, the formation of Self-Help-Groups will play a vital role in women empowerment. In fact many of the women forming Self-Help-Groups as a source of income. It has been widely recognized that unless women's potential is property developed, transformation and economic development is not possible. Therefore to accelerate the growth and prosperity of the nation, it is very important to create opportunities for socio-economic development especially for women. The present paper is a modest attempt to highlight some of the basic ideas to reflect the economic status of women through Self-Help-Groups in different areas. It is also aimed to create the awareness among the women to generate income in order to contribute by them towards the development of the economy. Women are still considered in rural areas that they must be within the boundary of the household. So this study has been carried out with the object to make the people aware how they can explore their skills and mobilize the resources available in the area of the study. Top Keywords Self-help-Groups, unemployment problem, women empowerment, generation of income. Top | |
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