Implications of Educational Deprivation For the Self of the Out of School Children Dr. Manhas Sarika, (Asstt. Prof) P.G Deptt. of Home Science (Human Development), University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K Online published on 8 June, 2012. Abstract Education is one of the basic right that all children are entitled to. However, many children remain out of school and hence face the worst form of deprivation. Out of school children refers to a group of children who should be in school but are not. These children have either never been to school or haven't even completed the basic five years of regular schooling. Around the world in spite of a global resolve to end educational deprivation, a large number of children remain out of school.The present paper presents Implication of Educational Deprivation for the self out of School childern Top Keywords Educational Deprivation, Economic development, illiteracy. Top | |
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