A study on problems faced by entrepreneurs of small scale industries Siva S., Lecturer Department of Management Studies, Achariya School of Business & Technology, Puducherry. Online published on 9 April, 2012. Abstract The small scale sector produces a wide range of products, from simple consumer goods to highly precision and sophisticated end-products. As ancillaries, they produce a variety of parts and components required by the large enterprises. Entrepreneurs can be developed through the practical application of entrepreneurship skills. As the study of this topic, would picturise the problems faced by Entrepreneurs of small scale industries. A Sample design adopted was purposive and convenience. The sample size selected for the study was 50. To analyze the data is by using Descriptive analysis, using frequency, tables and graphs were attempted. Secondly, Chi-Square test & T Test was used, to test for differences. Top Keywords Price fixing, obstacles, sole trader, loan & advance. Top | |
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