Psychological well-being: A comparative study of institutionalized and non-institutionalized aged Dr. Suvera Pankaj S.*, Assistant Professor *Department of Psychology, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar-388120, Gujarat, India Online published on 10 February, 2012. Abstract The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of institutionalization, sex and age of the aged on Psychological Well-being. The sample for the study comprised of 180 Institutionalized and 180 Non-institutionalized aged from Ahmadabad city. Institutionalized aged were selected from various old-age homes in Ahmadabad. Personal data sheet and Bhogle and Prakash (1995), Psychological Well-being scale were used to collect the required data. 2x2x3 factorial design was planned where institutionalization, sex and age were considered as independent variables and Psychological Well-being as dependent variables. Accordingly, 2x2x3 ANOVA was carried out to test the hypothesis. Results revealed no significant difference between Institutionalized and non-institutionalized aged on Psychological Well-being. There has been no difference in the male and female Psychological Well-being of the institutionalized and non-institutionalized aged. Older aged (60-69years) exhibited higher amount of Psychological Well-being than the aged between 70–79 years and aged between 80–89 years. The interaction effects are not significant. Top | |
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