A study on attitude of teachers and students towards the system of pass-fail in school education Barman Pranab*, Dr. Bhattacharyya Dibyendu** *Research Scholar, Department of Education, University of Kalyani. **Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Education, K.U. Online published on 3 November, 2012. Abstract In the present study an attempt has been made by the investigators to study the attitude of secondary school teachers and students towards the Pass-Fail system. The investigators used Descriptive Survey method for the present study. The sample consists of 120 teachers and 200 VIIIth Grade students from Bengali Medium Secondary Schools in the district of Burdwan, West Bengal. The Purposive sampling technique has been used for the selection of sample. The investigators developed a tool themselves to measure the attitude of teachers and students towards the Pass-Fail system. For the analysis of data‘t’ test has been used in the present study. The overall results indicate that teachers have favorable attitude towards the Pass-Fail system and there is no significant difference between teachers on the basis of gender and streams. But in the other side, students have not strongly favorable and unfavorable attitude towards the Pass-Fail system. Some of them have slightly favorable attitude towards the Pass-Fail system and some of them have slightly unfavorable attitude towards the Pass-Fail system. Most of the students have moderate attitude towards the pass fail system. It is also found that there is significant difference in the attitude of teachers and students towards the Pass-Fail system. Teachers have more favorable attitude towards the Pass-Fail system than the students. Top Keywords Attitude of Teachers and Students, Pass-Fail System. Top | |
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