Impact of family, interpersonal relationships and socio economic status on adolescents Dr. Suneetha K. UGC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology & Parapsychology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. Online published on 6 October, 2012. Abstract India has the highest number of adolescents who account for almost 20 per cent of the country’s population. Adolescence is a stage of life that begins sometime around the onset of puberty and ends sometime when the individual obtains adult rights, responsibilities, and recognition by family, and society. For this transition to take place effectively there are several factors that impact the proper physical and psychological growth and development of the adolescents. Researchers focused on identifying such factors in their studies. This article is a review of literature on the impact of such crucial areas on adolescent development with special reference to parent and family issues, interpersonal relationships and socio economic factors. Although there are several international research studies, increasingly Indian researchers too focused their attention on these factors on the adolescents of India. Top Keywords Adolescents, family, interpersonal relationships, socio economic status. Top | |
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