Rethinking the historiography of Islam Indonesia Sulasman Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Sunan Gunung Djati, State Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia. Online published on 6 October, 2012. Abstract Diversity in the writing of history is not just about the topic but also about the object of study or research the history of writing. Spanning the history of the Muslim community in Indonesia since the the vast stretches of the process of Islamization and form of power-economic and political power to the resistance movement against the occupation of Western nations with a peak of Indonesia’s Independence Proclamation. Therefore, it is in the historiography of the Islamic community in Indonesia is very Improbable that the Historian with all its limitations Able to describe or reconstruct the whole history of Muslims from the beginning until now. Nevertheless, the works of the writing on the history of Islam in Indonesia has been widely written, Both by Indonesian and foreign writers. One side of the history of Islam is still rarely in Indonesia touched in the historiography of the world the which includes boarding schools, religious scholars and students. Yet, if we go back to the fold resistance to the penetration of Western history, many events in the which is a resistance movement of the students. Top Keywords Kyai, Pesantren, Historiography, History, Islam. Top | |
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