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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-1 (January)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000
Online ISSN : 2249–7315

Table of contents

Theme of incest and disloyal in sam shepard's buried child
N. Asharudeen

In search of the truth: from mysticism to mysticisms
Shabir Hussain Ganaie (Shabir Magami)

Presence of disparities in human development at micro level in developing countries - a study in Purulia District, West Bengal, India
Mukunda Mishra

Multimedia language lab: the need of the hour
MS Harshdeep

Curses of plastic on environment
Dr. Philip Mody, Sri. Riko Mihu

Bt Technology: labour use pattren in cotton (A case study of Andhra Pradesh)
Dr. A. Bala Krishna

Emotional intelligence persuades general mental ability and conscientiousness
J. Venkatesh, Mr. D. Balaji

Analysis of cost and profitability of Bt & non Bt cotton - a case study of Haveri District (Karnataka)
Dr. C.S. Yatnalli

Children's educational status and performance: Role of family environment in Indian context
Dr. Puspita Datta, Sanjit Sarkar

Preschool education: Hobson's choice?
S. Meera

Internet addiction: A causative model
Jose Mathews

Transformation in Indian banks through E services -emerging issues and new opportunities
Dr. R.K. Uppal

Legal aspects of financing social security schemes in India
Dr. Anita Taneja

Agro based industries - a panacea for Indian agriculture
Dr. Manoj Sharma, Dr. Rajiv Khosla

A study on factors related to level of acceptance with respect to causes for medical tourism
Dr. G. Sakthivel

An empirical investigation of impact of service recovery on customer satisfaction by State Tourism Corporations
Dr. Siddhartha S Bhardwaj, Harpreet Singh


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